What UKIP stand for

What UKIP stand for.

These are anxious and troubled times. As crisis has followed crisis, our politicians are doing nothing in the face of the dangers rearing up all around us.
Violent crime erupts in our cities.  Jobs are lost and our vital NHS and state school places are straining under a tide of immigration.
Another tide of migration comes from the EU as controls on Bulgaria and Romania expire.
Yet the political class tells us the EU is good for the UK.
A gulf has opened between the ruling elite and the public. Each of the establishment main parties are now so similar they offer voters no real choice.
Only outside the EU can we start to solve the problems our country faces.
  • EU controls Immigration, Business and Employment, Financial Services, Fishing, Farming, Law and Order, Energy and Trade. It seeks now to control Foreign Affairs and Tax.
  • The British people must decide through an immediate referendum if we stay in the EU or come out and claw back independent power over our national life. We do not have to be ruled by this regime to work with our European neighbours who depend on us for their markets.
  • Give the public power to require binding local and national referenda on major issues.
  • Only by leaving the EU can we fully regain control of our borders and control migration.
  • Those wishing to permanently settle in the UK must financially support themselves and their dependents for 5 years. This means private health insurance (except emergency medical care), private education and housing.  You pay into the pot before you take out of the pot.
  • Bring in a points based visa system and time limited work permits.
  • Tourists and new migrants to the UK must provide proof of private health insurance cover as a condition of entry to the UK.
  • Outside the EU we will save £53m a day and we can give British workers the first crack at the 800,000 jobs we currently advertise to EU workers.
  • No tax on the minimum wage.
  • Local councils are to enroll unemployed welfare claimants onto community schemes or retraining workfare programmes.
  • Scrap all green taxes, wind turbine subsidies and adopt nuclear power to free us from dependence on fossil fuels and foreign oil and gas.
  • Develop shale gas and place the tax revenues into a British Sovereign Wealth Fund. Norway’s oil Sovereign Wealth Fund is now worth 0bn.
    Make real and rigorous cuts in foreign aid and replace with free trade.
  • No cuts to front line policing
  • Make sentences mean what they say – life must mean life.
  • No votes for prisoners.
  • Leave the EU to prevent foreign criminals entering the UK.
  • Scrap the European Arrest Warrant, which can see British citizens sent to foreign jails on scant evidence.
  • Remove the UK from the jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights.
  • Ensure GPs surgeries open in the evening for full-time workers, where there is demand.
  • Set up locally elected County Health Boards to inspect hospitals, so that we never have another Stafford Hospital crisis.
  • Social Housing to be prioritised for people whose parents and grandparents were born locally.
  • Allow the creation of new grammar schools.
  • Those wishing to come to the UK must show proof of private health Insurance as a condition of entry to the UK.
  • Ensure that benefits are only available for those who have lived here for over 5 years. Make welfare a safety net for the needy, not a bed for the lazy.
  • Political correctness is stifling free speech.
  • The law of the land must be single and apply to us all. We oppose any other system of law.
  • Teach children positive messages and pride in their country. We want to unite through better Integration.
UKIP is a patriotic party that believes in putting Britain first. Only UKIP will give the power to the British people to regain self-government.

For more information visit www.ukip.org

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