
We are all being told we should give more to charity, but with many people being out of work and a lot on low paid income it is a job to remain solvent in your own household without giving money away.

The big society would like us all to give both time and money to help charitys carry on doing the work that some of the top members of staff get paid quite nicly for, do you think they should be paid large salrys when we are told to give more money and help for nothing?

I give to charity via a covenant which is tax efficent and helps even more, what i disagree with is going out to my local town to do our shopping and being accosted with a tin or bucket for some charity wich i dont wish to support and being made to feal guilty because i have not parted with a donation, it does not stop their as when you go around the town people approch you with tins etc for other charities.

I now try and shop on line which stops this but also takes away the local trade, i wonder how many other people do the same?