Monday, November 4, 2013

Our aspirations for seeking larger world trade deals has taken another hit today, From the corrupt self serving individuals who need us to remain in the EU for their benefit. while all around us the walls are crumbling to the floor, and our citizens quality of life is getting to that of slaves. Are we now just the financiers of bad ideas. There is always the mention of world influence!, Is this the price the people have to pay so they can do so?, well, then I'm not sure I want to be that influential in the world. because all it brings is pain and anguish, instability, poverty, and the defacing of a culture. The markets that we are forced to miss out on are consistently growing year on year. while we sit stagnant, attached to this dried up, dead end, forever shrinking political monster, that continues to need more funding and still continues to shrink. The scare mongering used to bribe the British public into favoring our membership of the EU is nothing short of disgusting, and the ONLY way we can break these chains is for US, the people, to unite and break down the divides between ourselves and gather together as one. There is only one political party that can do this, and that is UKIP. As all the other parties are the same, just with different colours. I'm starting to understand why people don't vote, when our own representatives can't even be democratic enough to give us a vote on our own future, the very people who put them their to do so!. But I promise you this, if you stand with me, I will stand with you, and together we can topple this monster for good!. 'FY'EU' Its our only hope, UKIP.
